The Integration of Faith and Learning


Additional Discussion Questions: Chapter 11
A Taxonomy for Worldview Integration

These questions refer to Chapter 11 of  Robert A. Harris, The Integration of Faith and Learning (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2004). Numbers in parentheses refer to page numbers in the book. In addition to the “Questions for Thought and Discussion” at the end of the chapter, use these questions for additional discussion.

1. Explain the benefit of contextualizing knowledge claims. (250)

2. What makes the assumptions behind knowledge claims often problematic? (251; see also 258-262)

3. How can the problem of bias by selection of information sources be met effectively? (252-253)

4. What is a major challenge to identifying the worldview of a knowledge claim? (254)

5. What are some factors that can negatively influence the purpose of a scholarly investigation? (255-257)

6. What strategy would you use to check a suspicious fact claim (like the 150,000 anorexia deaths per year)? (256)

7. Explain why the question, “What is mankind?” is such an important key to faith-learning integration. (260)

8. Discuss the role of authority (and attitudes toward it) as a methodological constraint in shaping knowledge claims. ( 263-264)

9. Why is an understanding of the origins and history of a scholarly disclipline important? (264-266)

10. What are the consequences of compartmentalizing faith? (267)