The Integration of Faith and Learning


Additional Discussion Questions: Chapter 2
Why Integrate Faith and Learning?

These questions refer to Chapter 2 of  Robert A. Harris, The Integration of Faith and Learning (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2004). Numbers in parentheses refer to page numbers in the book. In addition to the “Questions for Thought and Discussion” at the end of the chapter, use these questions for additional discussion.

1. What is your answer to the question, “Is integration really necessary?” (23-24) Explain your answer.

2. Why can’t integration be automatic, if “all truth is God’s truth”? (24)

3. What is problematic about the “two realms” view of faith and learning? (25-26)

4. How can integration produce confidence in learning? (27-28)

5. What does it mean to say that the conflict between Christianity and some secular interpretations involve a “conflict . . . between two faiths”? (28)

6. In what sense or in what ways is secular learning incomplete? (29-30)

7. How does the Christian worldview clarify knowledge of the world (experience, scientific findings, etc.)? (30-31)

8. What gives Christianity an advantage over other worldviews for unifying truth? (31-32)

9. What are the dangers of failing to develop a faith-learning integrative ability? (32-34)

10. What are the benefits of successful integration? (34-35)

11. In what way can successful integration of faith and learning produce practical results? (35)