The Integration of Faith and Learning


Additional Discussion Questions: Chapter 1
Backgrounds to Integration

These questions refer to Chapter 1 of  Robert A. Harris, The Integration of Faith and Learning (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2004). Numbers in parentheses refer to page numbers in the book. In addition to the “Questions for Thought and Discussion” at the end of the chapter, use these questions for additional discussion.

1. Explain what it means to have a “coherent worldview.” (1-2)

2. What is meant by the integration of knowledge in general? (2-3)

3. How is the integration of Christian faith and learning both similar to and different from general knowledge integration? (4-5)

4. Why is the question, “What is truth?” so important?

5. What is the relationship between facts and knowledge? (6-7)

6. Explain the difference between knowledge and belief and tell why these two words sometimes cause confusion in relation to integrative issues. (8-10)

7. How is the somewhat artificial distinction between knowledge and belief used to depreciate Christian faith? (11) How would you respond to such a criticism?

8. In what sense is the integration of faith and learning a critical thinking task? (12-13)

9. How does the process of integration relate to one’s lifelong learning (or stock of knowledge)? (13-15)

10. Why is it important for Christians to be well educated today? (16-17)

11. What do you see as the biggest challenge to integrating faith and learning?

12. What do you see as the most exciting opportunity for integrating faith and learning?